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       宁波海曙鼎天投资有限公司(Haishu Dingtian Investment Co., Ltd.)是艾福瑞(Alpari UK)与福汇(FXCM UK)在中国的战略伙伴,是伴随着中国现代市场经济发展而成长起来的金融投资企业。鼎天投资致力于国内外众多投资品种的平台开发,努力打造以股票、黄金、外汇、期货、股指期货等金融产业的多元化发展。面对中国市场,本公司坚持以“稳健”、“守信”的经营理念,为投资人及企业法人提供投资理财规划、分散投资风险、积极追求长期、稳健的投资回报。公司以建立能够有效帮助客户实现盈利和风险控制的交易系统为核心,强化客户健康的投资理念为纽带。随着国内投资市场趋于成熟,公司规模的扩大,现诚邀各个领域的优秀人士加入我们的团队,同时欢迎有志之士成为我们的合作伙伴,公司坚持以人为本,注重个人能力,职业操守,一旦公司正式录用,将针对不同岗位提供完善的职前培训,并提供良好的个人发展空间。
        Ningbo Haishu Dingtian Investment Co., Ltd. (Haishu Dingtian Investment Co., Ltd.) Is Ai Furui (Alpari UK) with FXCM (FXCM UK) in China's strategic partner, along with the development of China's modern market economy grew up in financial investment companies. RoyalTek Investment is committed to invest in foreign and domestic varieties of platform development, and strive to build stock, gold, foreign exchange, futures, stock index futures and other financial industries, diversified development. The face of the Chinese market, the company adhere to the "steady," "trustworthy" business philosophy, for investors and businesses to provide corporate finance and investment planning, diversify investment risks, actively pursuing long-term, steady return on investment. The company can be effective in helping clients build profitable trading systems and risk control as the core, strengthen customer and healthy investment philosophy as a link. With the domestic investment market is maturing, the enlarged company, excellence in various fields are invited to join our team and welcome people with lofty ideals to be our partner, the company adhere to people-oriented, pay attention to personal ability, professional conduct, once the company officially employed, will provide better jobs for different pre-employment training, and provide good personal development.

  • 公司性质:民营企业
  • 所属行业:投资管理公司
  • 所在地区:浙江-宁波市-江东区
  • 联系人:林小姐
  • 手机:
  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:315000
  • 地址:宁波市江东区彩虹南路11号嘉汇国贸A座24楼03-05室

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